My Resume

Seventeen-year-old me thought that the two most wonderous things in the world were robots and rockets, so naturally I majored in mechanical engineering. Of course I still believe this, but after a few semesters, I realized that if you wanted your robot to do anything interesting, and your rocket to not spiral out of the sky, you had to put a computer in it, so I ended up with two degrees: mechanical engineering and computer science.

For a few years I worked as a do-it-all engineer at a small robotics company. On any given day I could be machining parts in the morning, debugging PCB schematics at lunch, and writing firmware in the afternoon.

I took a year off to pedal my bike across the country then returned to work as a software engineer at Cricut, the arts and crafts company.

Recently I’ve realized that with the rapid advancements in AI, we may be living in the most critical time in human history. I’m not sure what I can do to help, but I’m sure as hell going to try.

When I’m not building robots, keyboards, model planes, or any one of my other eclectic group of projects, you can find me at the climbing gym, mountain bike trails, or ski slopes.
